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Update your files now! As you never know when every moment may count!

By October 23, 2017 Uncategorized

Attention all animal owners!

It is very important that you contact your primary animal hospital once a year to keep your files up to date. We, here at Beattie Pet Hospital, verify your information during every visit at the time of check in, however there will be a few furry loved ones we won’t see on a yearly basis and this is when a phone call is needed most.

With updating your residential address, personal email, patient information, and ownership; we are able to help you and your furry loved one to the best of our ability.

When the ownership and secondary ownership information is not up to date we are not able to share the information due to the client confidentiality. Legally we are only able to release information to the names that are found on file and only do treatments that are approved by those individuals.

Furthermore if you’re moving or if your furry loved one is lost please do not forget to contact your microchip company! It’s equally important that their files are up to date pertaining to you and your fur baby.

Updating your phone numbers on file and email address is equally important in case there is an emergency. This gives your furry loved one and the health professionals the greatest chance to save a life when every second counts.


Please we implore you to contact your animal health professional and update your file! As you never know when every moment may count.


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