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Special Edition: The Pets Behind the Vets (Part 1)

By October 3, 2017 Uncategorized

Welcome to our Special Edition: The Pets Behind the Vets (Part 1). Within this behind the scene exposé you get to meet some of our fur children, and hear their stories that shape our staff members here at Beattie Pet Hospital Stoney Creek.


Meet Isabelle


Oh hello there.. You may call me Isabelle and I’m a 5 year old Silver Tabby Maine Coon. At an early age I picked my human (Matt) out and from that moment I have never looked back!  I know that I am extremely smart and beautiful and I never fail to amaze my human. Over the years I have learned to work the light switches, flush the toilet, use all styles of door handles, I have also learned how to turn off the tv at night (if my human is not in bed on time), and I have forced my human to buy baby locks for his freezer, cupboards, and fridge (as often enough I was found sitting inside them after playing safari). I am in every way my humans fur child!

Meet Spades

Meow, my name is Spades!  I am a 3 year old, grey, domestic long hair.  At a very young age of two weeks I was brought into my mommy Erica’s life. I was so small I could literally fit into the palm of her hand.  She bottled fed me and raised me with extra special care.   I am the baby of the family and have no problem putting my other fur buddies in their place.   I am very talkative and have a strong, outgoing personality.  In my downtime I enjoy lounging in the bay window soaking up some rays. I’m an avid bird watcher and will chirp if they come into my territory, aka the backyard. I enjoy cuddling with my mommy only and will sleep close by her side.  I love when my mommy is in the kitchen cooking as I will jump up and grab her legs to try to distract her.  In the early morning hours I will knead and purr in my mommy’s ear until she wakes up to feed me.  My mommy and I are best friends.

Meet Shayla + Lily

Meagan Dog 1

I’m Shayla and I am a 6 year old, Bichon Frise. I think I’m pretty smart and know many tricks which Meagan taught me including shake a paw, BANG (playing dead), roll over, walking on two hind feet, and “dancing” (spinning) while on her 2 hind feet. Something else I like to do is smile every time my owners come home. I like to spend most of my days laying around but I have to get a walk in. If I don’t get a walk by 3 in the afternoon, I sit by the door until I get one. My favourite foods are cucumber, watermelon, and cheese. I mothered 2 litters of puppies which are all in loving homes but I got to keep my favourite, my daughter Lily who got to stay with me, I still clean her eyes and ears 2-3x a day. Now I am spayed, so no more puppies for me! Don’t tell my owners, but “Dad” in the family is my favourite owner!

Dog 2

Hi I’m Lily and I just turned 1. I am completely opposite of my mom. My owners always talk about how I did not get the smarts from my mom, but marvel at how pretty I am! The only tricks I know are dance and sit,but I think that is good enough. If they refuse to give me my treat, I pull my cutest face I can. I love to play and run around non-stop. I only stop when I tire out my owners. When my owners are tired, I just follow my mom around and cuddle with her. I also like to clean my mom’s eyes and ears which makes it really easy for my owners to keep us looking beautiful. I am still a puppy and sometimes get into things that I shouldn’t but when my owners scold me I just shower them in kisses.  I learned from my mom how to smile for my owners when they get home too! My favourite owner is the youngest of the puppies of my humans, we cuddle ALL the time.

Meet Doug


Oh hi! My name is Doug and I’m the happiest old man you’ll ever meet! I’m an 8 year old black and white domestic shorthair and my mom Brittney adopted me less than 2 months into technician school after falling in love with my middle aged chubby face in the cat colony. My life started out on the rougher side, I was a tomcat roaming the streets of Northern Ontario when I was picked up by the North Bay humane society and shipped off to Northern College in Haileybury. When I got there, all these people swarmed around me and looked me over head to toe. They discovered I was about 5 years old and extremely docile for a middle aged feral cat but otherwise healthy. So after that they stuck me in a kennel for a while, they neutered me and cleaned my teeth and then on October 29 2015 I went home with my new mom. I loved my new home and my new mom immediately; I made sure she knew how much I loved her by never letting her sit down without me, and always enjoying the meals on her plate with her. My mom and I are inseparable to this day and even though I have 2 adopted brothers now, mom always tells me I’m her best boy. In my spare time I like to practice my loafing skills, purr so loud the neighbours complain, or lay in the guinea pig cage until they crawl all over me and accept me as their own. Life isn’t hard when you’re a Doug, you should try it sometime, eh?

Meet Dennis and Nutmeg



We are alpaca brothers living on Emily’s farm. Nutmeg is the prettier red one and Dennis is the nicer cream coloured one. We spend our days lazing around our pen, rolling in the dust bath and eating grass. Sometimes we kick up our heels and dash around for no apparent reason. We like to eat grass and hay, but our favorite is the pellets that everybody feeds us by hand. That bratty puppy Apple tries to eat our pellets when she can get at them, she must like them too. We play hard to catch but we are learning to walk very nicely on our halters and get to go for walks outside our pen to try some different spots of grass to nibble on.

Stay tuned and check back in every month on the first for more inside stories from our fur children.

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