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5 Christmas Safety Tips for Pets

By December 18, 2018 Uncategorized

1. Avoid Poisonous Holiday Plants 

If you have furry friends at home its best to stay away from these festive fauna: holly and mistletoe. Unfortunately, these plants can cause severe sickness in dogs and cats, including vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Poinsettias can also cause mild illness if ingested so it might be a good idea to skip on this decoration if your pets are prone to eating plants.

Image result for pets under mistletoe

2. Take Caution When Decorating

It’s important to be weary when choosing which tinsel, fairy lights, and ornaments you’d like to deck your halls and tree with. While these decorations can bring a lot of festive joy to your home, they can also present as a hazard to your pets! It’s a good idea to keep breakable ornaments or soft, plushy decorations out of your pet’s reach which can easily be mistaken as new toys.

It is also important to keep electrical cords away from the jaws and paws of your pets to avoid both ruining your lights and any electrical shocks.

Tinsel, ribbons, and string should particularly be kept away from your feline friends – Cats are attracted to these fancy decorations and might eat them. This could cause damage to their GI tract. To avoid a hospital visit on Christmas it may be easier to keep these items out of reach or keep your tree in a separate room.

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3. Keep Your Tree Rooted

Not literally rooted. But it would be a good idea to secure your tree so there’s no chance of it falling over if your pets accidentally push it or climb it.

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4. Hide All Those Delicious Holiday Foods 

Food is one of the best parts about the holidays – especially the sweet and fatty treats. However, a lot of these types of foods are not great for your pets and can lead to an upset stomach or poisoning. Do your best to hide your alcohol, caffeinated drinks, candy, chocolate, eggnog, dairy products, ham, bacon, nutmeg, nuts, raisins, and turkey bones.

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5. Create a Safe Spot For Your Furry Friend 

Not all pets are party animals – some can become stressed or anxious during holiday gatherings with all the excitement and new people in the house. Choose a room isolated from the party and fill it with lots of toys, water, food, and a comfy place to sleep so that if your pet does need to escape it has a safe spot to go.

Image result for christmas pets sleeping


Now for a good laugh lets see Christmas through our cats eyes:

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