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What To Expect At Beattie Pet Hospital

When you arrive for your appointment or pick up, please make your way to the reception desk. You will be greeted by our customer service team and signed in on the computer.

Our veterinary assistants will be alerted that you have arrived for your appointment and make sure a room is clean and sanitized for you. They will bring you into the room to go over some intake questions, as well as past medical history if you are a new client.

Our assistant will go over what the appointment is for and take your pet to the treatment area for the physical exam. The doctor will then come in with your pet and go over any concerns.

If you pet requires diagnostics, such as x-rays or blood work, our technicians will run these tests and you have the option to stay and wait, or come back to the clinic later. With those results, our doctor will go over a treatment plan for your pet.

Some pets may require multiple appointments to assess what works and what doesn’t for their condition.

We aim to see all of our clients and patients on time, however with diagnostics and emergency surgeries, there will be times where we are delayed. If you need to rebook, please speak to our customer service team at any time.

Technicians will dispense any medication or food that we have in clinic, or order items that are not in stock. Our customer service team will be waiting at the front desk to handle your billing and schedule any necessary follow up appointments.