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Surgical Services

Certainly the most veterinarian-recommended surgery, spaying or neutering your pet ensures that your pet does not produce unwanted puppy or kitten litters. It also often improves your male pet’s disposition and calms his tendencies to roam off of your property. Our on-staff surgeons routinely spay and neuter cats and dogs, and perform a number of other surgeries, including emergency C-sections, orthopedic surgery, lumpectomies and foreign body retrieval.

Spay & Neuter

Spaying or neutering a pet is one of the most routine surgical procedures performed at Beattie Pet Hospital. These procedures offer a number of health benefits for your pets, as well as prevent unplanned pregnancies and overpopulation. For males, it can also help improve their disposition. If you do not plan to breed your pet, it is best to book your cat’s appointment for six months and your dog’s appointment for eight months to a year, depending on how many baby teeth are left. For more information: click here.

Emergency Surgery

Unforeseen circumstances may require your pet to need emergency surgery and our employees, as pet owners as well, understand how stressful this time can be for you. Common reasons for emergency surgeries include a blocked urinary tract, uterine infection or a foreign body that won’t or can’t come out naturally.