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Wellness Check Ups

Wellness checks are done yearly, just as you should visit your doctor yearly, and includes a full physical assessment from nose to tail.

This includes the following:

  • Ears: making sure the ear canal and pinna are normal and that their hearing appears unchanged
  • Eyes: making sure the eyeballs, eyelids and associated structure appears normal and that their vision appears unchanged
  • Nose: making sure the air flows freely through the nostrils and that there is no discharge
  • Throat: making sure there is no difficulties with vocalizing or swallowing
  • Mouth, Teeth & Gums: making sure there is no evidence of gum disease, infection or tartar on the teeth
  • Lymph Nodes: making sure his external lymph nodes, submandibular, pre-scapular, axillary and popliteal, all palpate normally
  • Thyroid Glands:  making sure that there are no abnormal structures associated with the thyroid gland, this is mainly for cats
  • Lungs: making sure that the lungs sound normal with no fluid, crackles or wheezes
  • Trachea: making sure that the trachea sounds normal and palpates normal
  • Heart: making sure that the heart sounds are clear, with no murmurs or arrhythmia heard and checking that their pulse is normal.
  • Gastrointestinal & Abdominal: making sure the abdominal palpation is normal, this includes checking that the kidneys, intestines, liver and other abdominal organs have no masses, lumps, fluid, or cause pain when palpitated
  • Skin & Hair Coat: making sure the hair coat and skin is healthy, that the fur is shiny and soft and that there are no signs of hair loss, parasites or inflammation of the skin.
  • Musculoskeletal: making sure the muscles and skeletal structure are in good condition and no lameness is noted
  • Nervous System: making sure the nervous system has no observable defects in the nerves, spinal cord or brain function.
  • Urinary & Reproductive: making sure the urinary system is functioning properly and examining the reproductive organs for any issues
  • Lumps: making sure there is no lumps visible or felt during palpitation
  • Pain: making sure the animal is in no pain during any of the examination
  • Body Condition: making sure that there are no cuts or bruises and that the pet is a healthy weight

*CVA (Canadian Veterinary Association) requires pets to have a wellness exam before giving vaccines, to make sure the pet is healthy enough to receive them.*

Puppy & Kitten Pet Care

Congratulations on the new addition to your family! Let us help you make sure that they are happy and healthy. The first step is booking a wellness check up, especially if you have other animals in the house. Dewormer is recommended for all puppies and kittens as they usually have roundworms, and this can be passed on to other animals as well as humans. Their first set of vaccines is due at eight weeks. Click here for more information.


Vaccinating your pet is considered one of the easiest ways to help them live a healthy life. Just like in humans, vaccines trigger immune responses that help fight against common infections they may contract. For both cats and dogs, there are core vaccines, that are required, especially if you plan on socializing your pets. There is also elective vaccines, that are based on the lifestyle and habits of your pet. See the following chart for both the core and elective vaccines. Click here for more information.

Senior Pet Care

Our older dogs and cats need extra attention and special care. Regular yearly wellness check ups can help keep your pet healthy as well as catch and treat any potential problems early.